Oct. 20 (Bloomberg)
Steven Levitt, professor of economics at the University of Chicago
Stephen Dubner,journalist
他们合作第一本书“Freakonomics,” 销售了4百万册. 这次两位再度出山把箭头指向了"白热化"的Climate Change.
书中引用了 Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at Stanford University的一些观点,但有些误传.
"Carbon dioxide is the right villain,insofar as inanimate objects can be villains."
By Ken Caldeira
多元凶Multiple Villains
“SuperFreakonomics” never identifies the “right villain,” so I called Dubner and asked. “I don’t think anybody knows for sure,” he told me. Then he acknowledged that the chapter’s most newsworthy claim “could have been better phrased, as ‘carbon dioxide is not the only villain.’”
They dismiss global warming as a “religion” and rehash the so-called “global cooling” scare of the 1970s, a favorite skeptic myth.
They trumpet the “little-discussed fact” that the average global temperature has decreased in recent years.
发射SO2Shooting Sulfur Dioxide
One would shoot millions of tons of sulfur dioxide 18 miles into the air to artificially cool the planet.
In chapter five, the authors:
- Repeat tired global cooling myths
- Unfairly trash climate models
- Highlight irrelevant statistics about carbon dioxide without context
- Extol the virtues of excess carbon dioxide while ignoring the downsides
- Ignore a major source of sea level rise
- Cherry-pick short-term climate fluctuations while missing the bigger picture
- Use faulty statistics to trash renewable energy
- Advocate rolling the dice on unproven technology
- Use a silly analogy to attack plans to reduce emissions